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Core Values

Listen. Anticipate. Think. Solve.

When Mark Hieronymus walked in a client’s door to talk taxes in the early days of his career, it often meant hauling a 75-pound 10-key Remington adding machine.  Tax returns were calculated dutifully by hand even in the early 1980’s – with client information mailed to Atlanta for processing by something called a “computer. “Answering a tax law question might mean poring through industry newsletters for hours.   Today, Hieronymus hasn’t lost its patient commitment to detail, even as accounting has moved to the cloud and any query can be answered in seconds.   

The roots for Hieronymus CPA’s began in 1987 with George Hieronymus opening his own practice in Mobile after more than 25 years as a staff accountant and then partner with a large area firm.   Maintaining a focus on income, estate and gift taxes, George A. Hieronymus & Co. would build tremendous client relationships that last to this day.    Mark joined his father in business that same year after earning his Masters of Tax Accounting at the University of Alabama.   In 1999, George A. Hieronymus & Co. would merge with another Mobile accounting firm – forming Hieronymus, Gaillard & Jones, LLC.  The new firm would grow further eight years later with a partnership that became the largest accounting firm in the Mobile Bay area: Wilkins Miller Hieronymus, LLC.  

As another generation began to follow the family business, Mark and his father decided to return to their own practice in 2014 with the ability to provide clients more individualized solutions.  Hieronymus CPA’s includes Forrest and Ward, and an ever-expanding team providing tax and accounting, business consulting, small business support, estate planning, and more.

Lizzie Del Rio, CPA

Operations Director

Lizzie Del Rio, CPA

Operations Director

Wanda Parnell
Client Accounting Services Lead
Tricia Marshall
Client Accounting Services
Alicesyn Lindsey

Staff Accountant

Matthew Walker

Staff Accountant

Danelle Adair

Office Manager

Madison Flowers
Production Specialist
George Hieronymus CPA